Wouter Arrazola de Oñate
Medical doctor specialised in Public Health, social determinants of health and health inequities. Worked in huge refugee centres (1.500) in the Netherlands. Later started as a scientific collaborator / project manager at the International Centre for Reproductive Health (ICRH) of prof Marleen Temmerman, Ghent University. Lived and worked for years in Mozambique and the Southern Africa region. Since 2017 public health director of the Flemish Assocation of Respiratory Health and Tuberculosis (VRGT) and the Belgian Lung and Tuberculosis Association (BELTA). Expert at the Superior Health Council of Belgium, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the World Health Organisation Euro-region. Focus on TB as a social disease, on patient-centered care, community health work and outreach to the most vulnerable people. Within respiratory health, the social medicine dimensions of Air Pollution and Climate Change are among his evolving field of work. Co-founder of a Dutch-Belgian Platform of health experts on Racism & Health with a main hall session approved at the latest European Congress on Global Health.